Making Money Online?
Posted: 11 June 2009 01:39 AM  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  24
Joined  2009-04-20

I’m just curious if there are other people in this community that have online income.

In addition to building websites, I have online income from a few websites that I run. I don’t really sell anything, I just build the website, add a bunch of specific content, and specialize in online marketing and search engine optimization that builds the traffic and keeps them coming.

I do everything from Google Ads, blogging, run a busy message forum, to affiliate products that I promote. (sorry, I can’t reveal my sites for obvious reasons- competition!)

It’s passive income that just comes in each month. Kind of like have a bunch of rental properties without the headache of dealing with renters.

There is maintenance and continual content building, but that stuff is easy and fun for me.

Since I just moved out to Madrid in April and have a lot more time to focus online, my online income is picking up. My new goal is to build about 2-5 more solid sites each month. Since I have a bunch of sites that are seasoned that I can use for networking for quality links, and I specialize in optimization, getting them picked up by search engines for high rankings will be easy.

So, I’m just curious if there are any other online marketers, bloggers making money online, or webpreneurs in here?

Also, anyone know of any coffee shops in Madrid that offer wifi, free or paid, with a good environment that I can kick back at and work online? I just found out that ALL Starbucks in Madrid no longer offer wifi. Los Angeles had many of these, but I haven’t found anything here yet. I’d appreciate any tips on this!

