De registering for tax and social security
Posted: 15 June 2009 02:46 PM  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2009-06-12


I am leaving Spain soon and want to de register for tax as an autonomo and Social Secuirty.

My accountant wants E300 to do this but does anyone know if it can be done painlessly and more cheaply?



Posted: 23 June 2009 08:44 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

Hi R,
‘Painless’ not….
But you can go in person to Hacienda (Tax office) and go ‘baja’ (permanante?) from Autonomo.
I used to have a seasonal job and to save on Social Security payments this was the best way…
BUT accountant used to charge Eu180 for this.

I think you also have to de-register with Social Security? (although it may all be the same?)..
again, you fill in a form (solicitude?) and tell them you are leaving the country, want to go baja etc…

Possibly cheapest way is to find a good interpretuer who can go with you to above offices and save yourself some
(I have a good local one for Eu30 per hour ....). Buy you could be in each office for an hour or two!

Maybe find a cheaper gestor/accountant?

Good luck..
(Please post again and let us know how you get on).
I know the British consulate website on their info pages for ‘returning to the UK’ say you should do the above
(as well as go to your town hall and de-register if you were a resident/ had enpadronmento), likewise I think officially you have to apply for BAJA with police on your residency cert…

Any feedback welcome!

(I did hear that if you just go to the UK and start work there - the ‘system’ here gets to know and as long as you have paid up all your taxes etc - then you will be OK..
BUT - poss bet to de-register with SS at least - although if you do not pay for a time (3 months plus?) you will automatically be labled ‘Baja’ and not entitled to state health care etc…

Posted: 24 June 2009 08:04 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2009-06-12

thanks so much. very comprehensive. i did in fact ask a financial controller friend of a friend and here is what she said (in spanish)

Para dar de baja en la seguridad social en r?gimen de aut?nomos a un profesional (europeo), hay que seguir los siguientes pasos:

1?) Rellenar el Modelo 037 de Hacienda solicitando la baja de actividad ante la AEAT y poniendo la fecha de la baja y el motivo de la misma (adjunto Modelo 037 en PDF a rellenar, firmar y llevar personalmente a la Delegaci?n que le corresponde por barrio).

A este formulario 037 debe ajuntar original y fotocopia del DNI, NIE o Pasaporte.

2?) Una vez tenga sellado por Hacienda el Modelo 037 de baja de actividad profesional, debe acudir a la Delegaci?n de la Seguridad Social con la siguiente documentaci?n:

  -Modelo TA0521 de cese de actividad de aut?nomos ante la Seguridad Social (lo acompa?o en formato PDF como archivo adjunto). Debe rellenarlo y firmarlo para poderlo presentar ante la SS.
  -Aportar original y fotocopia del DNI-NIE o Pasaporte.
  -Aportar origial y Copia del Modelo 037 sellado por Hacienda decese de su actividad profesional ante la AEAT.

Posted: 27 June 2009 03:06 AM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

Many thanks for all of that RL.
I ‘hope’ I have avoided the above - as infact the last year of my employment with the co I worked for for 6yrs (5 as autonomo!!.. which I later found out was illegal!)... was on full contract.
I am sure the ‘redundancy papers’ I got were totally removing me from the system - I.e baja…
I know I am de-registered with SS - as when I tried to renwe my ECH1 11??? they took my old one off me, then told me I was not entitled to any help of any kind! (unless of course I wanted to pay the ‘voluntary fee’ - of Eu 240 pcm!!!).

Oh well… Good luck with your future. 
(I am just hanging in - but it has sure been tough)...
‘But the sunshine makes up for a lot’ as my partner says! 😊

Posted: 22 July 2009 11:56 AM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2009-06-12

I followed my friend’s instructions and they all worked like a treat. V short queues (it was July…) helpful staff and did both offices in 40 mins, saving the 300 euros my (very good) accountant was asking.

