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Almunecar International School - Disgraceful
Posted: 18 November 2009 10:23 PM   [ # 31 ]  
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Joined  2007-10-19

this post will be locked down becareful please


Posted: 19 November 2009 02:34 AM   [ # 32 ]  
Just Landed
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Joined  2009-06-10

“well what can I say? You don’t believe that anybody can be happy with the school - other then those who work at the school? Please don’t make me answer that! “

I never said anything like that

“I am still waiting for your reply on; is there something else between you and the school (other then the movies on the bus)?”

Quite clever to detract from the main issue, and imply that I have some other different problem with your school. No I don’t.

“And what do you want from the court case?”

When this incident happened, I reported it to your school and to the Police. It is the Police who have chosen for this to go to court, just like they would with a burglary, vandalism whatever. If this was a “mistake” as you keep saying, the Police would have told me to go away. This isnt about what I want, its about what the Police want, go and talk to them if you want to know where this is going. I can PM you the case number which your school has anyway.

Jurdy has politely warned us twice that this post will be locked if we continue to talk about court. Maybe thats what you want?

Posted: 19 November 2009 02:40 AM   [ # 33 ]  
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Joined  2005-12-05
jasonc - 19 November 2009 02:34 AM

Jurdy has politely warned us twice that this post will be locked if we continue to talk about court. Maybe thats what you want?

Thank you from all of us. 😊 Good luck folks.


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Posted: 10 January 2010 07:19 AM   [ # 34 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-01-10

Well what can I say, other than I’m sorry to hear about your son.

You have heard from a number of people, I’m a student at the International school in Almunecar, and I can only tell you that I’m very pleased with just about everything in the school. With regard to your thread, you mentioned that it was the police taking actions against the school. What are they really expecting to get as an outcome of this?

Quite honestly, I know very well which member of staff you are referring too. And I can confidently say that I completely disagree with the idea that seems to be put forward, about her not being capable of handling children, most of the young children loved her because she sang with them and did clapping games. I am not entirely sure you’re blaming the right person, yes she was the bus monitor and gave permission to those films. But have you spoken to any of the year 10s and up about the films? Most of them frequently came in, complaining about her switching off the films because she thought they were unsuitable for the younger children when she realised what was on them. These particular year groups, I find are very argumentative and they clearly chose which films they wanted to bring in, yes 15 years and older, I think are quite capable of thinking to themselves ?maybe I should consider that there?s younger children on the bus?, when picking out films.

Also, about your complaint with regard to her simply being moved to a different position in this school, I don’t see a problem with it, she is very capable of working with children and a very nice person. The task she is performing now involves little to no actual contact with the students, since she’s not talking to the student or interacting with them while doing the task. If it’s her removal from the school which is being hoped for here, I can’t say you have my support in this, since I believe appropriate actions has been taken and there is no reason to further “punish” this person. She may have made some mistakes, but no matter what the outcome of this is, she will not be able to undo those things.

It’s of course never nice hearing that a student can’t continue his/her education where they were expected too, but honestly asking, what did you expect when you involve the police in a case like this? I still don?t understand why the police was involved since this doesn?t really seem like a case where they would need to be.
As this is a private school, they can “pick and choose” who they wish to teach at the school and who they don’t and in that since they did no wrong in informing you that they did not wish to continue teaching your child.
I can understand you probably felt frustrated over the schools reaction, as to the letter they send to regarding your child continuing his education at the school. And it seems rather unfair of their part, but once again, as this is a private school they are entitled to do so.

Best regards.

Posted: 13 January 2010 07:26 AM   [ # 35 ]  
Total Posts:  8
Joined  2010-01-12

Jason..You have all my support..You did all what parent can do,and maybe it is better your son wont go to that “pick who wont” -“teach who wont ” PRIVATE school..I would never ever send my child back to place like that.I am an adult and don’t understand and would never watch movies like that..for child to go trough experience like that..well,I wont wish to enemy.
And for Jenny..I involve police in everything,especially when child concerned..when you will have one,and be in situation like Jasons family(which I hope you never will be)..!!!!!!

Posted: 31 January 2010 10:17 AM   [ # 36 ]  
Total Posts:  95
Joined  2009-05-27

you involve police in… everything?

Posted: 03 March 2010 11:03 PM   [ # 37 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-03-03

|Hello, i went to Almunecar International School for 3 years and lived in the area for 8 years. I travelled on the bus going to and from Nerja. When i attended the school, i believe there was a different bus monitor a spanish lady she was absolutely perfect she did her job and helped us if we needed any help. Even when i attended Year10 none of the students were able to persuade her into putting on dvds above level PG, we were forced to watch family movies all deffinately child friendly!
Whoever changed that bus monitor to the lady who was just dismissed was obviously out of their mind. I dont see the problem in giving her a job in the dining hall, there is no way she can do any harm working there. Yet i must say i dont understand why it took months for these children to say anything to their parents about the dvds playing, obviously they enjoyed them? i happen to love saw and now have two children of my own, i would deffinately not let either of them watch saw for many years, letting saw etc. play on the bus was obviously a mistake and she was obviously overpowered by the year 10’s +. i believe she has been punished enough and does not need to be fired for this mistake.
i happen to love almunecar international school and would reccommend to any expat! you learn alot, whether it be other languages you learn more to do with life leaving england and moving to another country where there are other opnions views lifestyles its a fantastic school in every way and the teachers when i was attending the school were all fantastic, when i was there mrs richards was the deputy head and a lovely lady!

Posted: 31 August 2010 07:01 PM   [ # 38 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-08-31

deleted my essay complaint incase of trouble

Posted: 01 September 2010 06:19 PM   [ # 39 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

WOW!  This thread is like a real life soap!

‘They say whenever there are two people or more together, you get politics”.

There are always a differing opinion whoever you are.

But if 1 iota of Anonymouses post is true, then this is a shambles of a school.

I was bullied in the Army (yes, it goes on 100%.  Remember the Deepcut Barracks suicides???), so any mis-use of authority is a no no in my books.

I hope all the pupils (and likely staff too), that are having a rough time at this place can get out asap!

Posted: 06 December 2010 03:55 PM   [ # 40 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-12-06

This is incredible.
Jason, we know you only from this post…And he tells us that his son had nightmares over a film, and you are already planning on boycotting the school etc.
Jasons son was the cleanest child ever, he never seen anything negative in this world. He was like a princess, well he is right now because his dad tryes to keep him away from this world and hiding him into a closet. Now daddy get your facts right, if you dont like this school…Get the ‘’ ‘’ out of there and stop giving people your CHEAP propaganda which is based only on a bus movie…
Thank you.

Posted: 22 December 2010 11:22 PM   [ # 41 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  11
Joined  2010-11-01

How can the school let their monitor work as if nothing happened? This is obviously a malpractice of authority. They should have done something to prevent the monitor from coming back or mingling with the children.

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