Moving to UK
Posted: 09 July 2009 05:28 PM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2009-07-09

Hello! In August/September 2009, I?m moving from Santander/Spain to London/UK and was looking for any One-Way-Hire Van Service.

The problem is that most of those companies are located in the south of Spain, so far from Santander? and, of course, they are going to charge me aditional taxes for bringing the van here to Santander.

In fact, as I have no furniture to transport, my move is not big (about 7 m3 of books, clothes and other stuff). So, maybe a solution to make my move cheaper would be:
* to hire a removal company that has a van to transport it;
* to share the costs of a removal company with someone.

Please, do you have any idea or recommendation for me?

Tks!! Regards,


Posted: 09 July 2009 05:58 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  738
Joined  2008-06-23

One way van hire will be difficult.

Easy option is to use a moving company they usually charge per sq meter and quote before they pick up.

I used these guys when I moved, they were quite cheap.


“I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”
