property and facility management in Murcia and around
Posted: 08 August 2009 01:20 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2009-08-07

Hello !
I’am person with strong experience in property/facility management for rezidential villas / apartments and office buildings.
I managed a team of more than 50 peoples involved in buildings administration. Now I work for a multinational company based in Bucharest (Romania) and Budapest (Hungary) involved in corporate management, like a property manager.
  I want to relocate in Murcia (I could live in Aljucer, 10 minutes from Murcia, where my sister in law have a villa). 
  I am engineer in materials science and in the past 10 years I worked like a property manager for office buildings and rezidential diplomatic properties.

          I wish you all good luck and a beautiful week-end !
        Thank you.
