La Manga del Mar Menor - Couple Questions
Posted: 10 September 2009 09:14 PM  
Total Posts:  9
Joined  2009-06-13


I recently arrived in La Manga (2 days ago!) with my partner and our cats and so far things are going well. I work from home so I am using my Vodafone modem until Telefonica get their act together (I’ve dealt with them before so am not expecting ADSL overnight!!)

Does anyone know where we go to get empadronamiento? I don’t know if there is an ayuntamiento on La Manga. I need to get registered so I can receive my boxes which are being shipped (without paying tax). Someone told me it’s next to Hotel Mirador but I can’t even find that on a map 😊

We’re in Cala del Pino so we’re still looking around and getting our bearings… but so far everything is great. If anyone has any tips about La Manga I’d be grateful. I’ve done a search on here but it didn’t turn much up.

Victoria 😊
