Hello, Fighting for the last 6 5 years
Posted: 19 October 2009 10:58 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2009-10-19

In 2004 I went to Spain to study business and Spanish, I grew up speaking Spanish, I am half Thai half Salvadorean, born and raised in the US.  After returning to the US after spending a year studying, I decided to go back each summer and try to find a job in Spain. I was not able to find one till November 2007 when I sold everything I had and moved to Spain in September of 2007. I found a job with a English company thinking I was going to work out a visa set things up for me to live in Spain and work the process out of getting residency, but it didnt work like that.  After a year of working with that company, I was never in Madrid because I had to travel and work.  I went back last September and just came back a few days ago trying to find a job. Now I am qualified, I speak 4 languages, have a MBA in business and international studies and I want to live and work in Europe, but mainly live in Madrid, Spain. My parents were not born in the United States, my mother is from El Salvador and her fathers father was Spanish and the other side one side was German. Is there a way that I can get through some how to get a Dual Citizenship with Spain to be legal to work there? Is there any other way because I have been trying so many ways so get to Madrid and work, what are some legal correct ways that I can do the process. Last time I was there I was, how do you say it in English, Empadronamiento, and also I Homologado my USA studies to make them valid in Spain. Not all together, but I have lived in Spain for about 2 and a half years counting the time I have been there for the last 5 years.  A lot of people say the best way is to go through an American Company that will give you the work visa and through that you can work in Spain and start all the process. Since my family is originally from El Salvador do I fit into the region of 2 years legal residence in Spain to file for anything?

Can anyone can help me?

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