Swapping your Spanish property for a UK property
Posted: 20 October 2009 01:52 PM  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2009-08-28

Since starting our google ads campaign visitors to our site have increased at an incredible rate with literally hundreds of enquires a month.

The interest in property swapping in the UK is growing enormously and in an exciting development we have been asked to find potential swappers for a new BBC TV mini series as well as an up and coming article on BBC Radio Solent. In another move we have been asked to co-ordinate part exchanges for a major property developer.

All this activity is helping drive traffic to our swapproperty web site which is a real benefit to those looking for some extra marketing for their Spanish home.

If you are considering a move, or your property has been on the market for months, google swapproperty and follow the link ‘add your home abroad’. The more property we get on the site the more chances there are of arranging swaps. As an extra incentive we will waive our usual completion fee from 20th October to the 20th November, so you can list your home for just ?10.00 GBP

We hope this may just help some property owners move.
