If you set up as self employed in spain can you have more than one thing going? Say you had 2 different things up and running would you have 2 different charges or can you put this all on one tax return. So you are only paying 1 tax and 1 National insurance contributions.
Hi Jilllm,
Not sure what you mean exactly. Any business can, in theory, do anything or nothing, as long as they pay taxes on whatever they do do. Self-employed works the same. You won’t get taxed or pay SS on anything but your TOTAL income from whatever and however many projects you want to work on. This is pretty standard around the world.
Yes, that’s how it works, unless you start/operate two separate corporations/companies for each of those income sources. If you’re self employed then you only have one tax return to file: your own. You’ll have a section for self-employment income on that return.