Car Boot Sales
Posted: 07 February 2010 05:24 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-02-07

I used to participate in car boot sales in UK and now live in Madrid where the concept just does not exist!!  I’m going to be in Malaga for the month of Marcha nd heard that car boot sales are held there (specifically in Nerja and Fuengirola).  I’ve looked up info in google but can’t find details on how to “register” to sell ... does anybody have any info? are you able to have a stall for 1-2 weeks or is it a regular thing??  Or does anyone know of any classic car boot sales i.e. turning up with your car and finding a space..??

Many thanks

Posted: 09 February 2010 03:24 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  166
Joined  2007-07-25

Hi Amaia,

There is a good car boot in Coin, which is inland Malaga, at a place called La Trocha which is a shopping mall. They have the car boot in the car park down stairs and it is on a Sunday from 9-2pm.

Hope this helps



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