Retiring British expats moving from Canada to Spain
Posted: 11 February 2010 10:15 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-02-11

Having exchanged our UK driving licenses for Canadian (Alberta) ones, how do we get back our old UK licences for use in Spain?

Posted: 15 June 2010 06:21 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  27
Joined  2006-09-20

Did you ever get any answers to your question ?

Posted: 28 June 2010 04:40 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  23
Joined  2010-06-22

The easiest way is probably to contact DVLA in the UK and get your British license back if you can. As I understand the current situation European citizens resident in Spain no longer need to have a Spanish driving license.

I’m not sure of the specific arrangements between Spain and Canada in relation to recognising driving licenses. My wife is from New Zealand and its complicated for them. If you speak good Spanish you can contact the relevant Spanish authorities - direccion general de trafico. There should be information on their website. Otherwise there is a whole industry of professionals who carry out paperwork for a fee - called ‘gestors’ or ‘gestorias’ in Spanish. They generally give this kind of advice for free - hoping to do the work. Unfortunately I can’t recommend an English speaking one, but there must be plenty - try good old google.

One significant drawback to getting a Spanish license is that you have to renew them every few years (five I think).

Good luck.


Architects and Eco Construction, Malaga, Marbella, Granada ..

Posted: 28 June 2010 05:45 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  744
Joined  2009-01-22

The Spanish do not recognise a Canadian DL.

The legal route is in fact to take a Spanish driving test and obtain a Spanish DL - this is something most people will find daunting - therefore under these circumstances people find a way round it - which is to obtain your British DL back.

This is of course illegal because you will not be UK resident but a friend of mine did this (he was in exactly the same position) he used a family UK address.

I think it wise to then ASAP swop to a Spanish licence as your British one is technically illegal which could lead to other complications.

The Spanish DL duration is dependent upon your age.



Posted: 29 June 2010 11:56 AM   [ # 4 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  23
Joined  2010-06-22

My wife took got her driving license in Spain. As a native English speaker, with poor Spanish at the time, she was delighted to find out that you can site the theory test in English. Sorry, in Espanglish. As is too often the case, even official documents are translated into English not by native English speakers. Long story short, many questions became nonsensical and she failed the theory several times, and in the end she improved her Spanish and passed the theory and later the practical.

Rob’s right, definitely go for getting your license back in Britain. No reason for it to be very illegal though. If you have friends or family in the UK, you can be resident there long enough to get your license and then emigrate again.


Architects and Eco Construction, Malaga, Marbella, Granada ..
