Music/Radio Jobs?
Posted: 13 May 2010 01:09 AM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2010-05-13

Hi there,

I am a 24 year old graduate based in Cardiff and am about to be made redundant from my stop gap job I managed to find since graduating. Me and my girlfriend are massive fans of Spain and fell in love with the country even more when we spent 5 weeks travelling there last year. We have always thought about moving out there to work whilst we’re young and have relatively no ties to the UK. However, we wouldn’t necessarily want to just move over with the hope of getting any old job and end up doing bar work. I am a music producer with a few releases and have a degree in Sound Technology, she is a newspaper reporter and journalism graduate.

I would love to work in any field within the music industry, and from my own research it seems an English language radio station would be the most likely, and I have alot of radio experience. She would be happy in any English language publication or in a communications and media role.

We were wondering how likely it would be, and if anyone could point us in the right direction in work in Spain in our chosen fields?

We realise Spain is in a worse situation that the UK at the moment re: jobs, but would probably go for the move if just one of us managed to find a job in our chosen field.

Thanks in advance 😊

Posted: 13 May 2010 01:20 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

pm me please and see what happyen in the radio game , email address

