Thinking of a move to Granada
Posted: 04 July 2010 07:40 PM  
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2009-12-16

Hi there,

I have been living in Madrid for a year now and we are now looking for a move to the south and i?m very interested in Granada. I?m a New Zealander with a Spanish husband and 5 year old daughter. I?m wondering what the primary schools are like in Granada city or around ( meaning an easy commute to the city ) I?m particularly interested in schools that place a bit of importance on a child’s self management. Here in Madrid our experience with the school has been ?interesting? however she is now fluent so that’s the main thing 😊 We are looking for a local school.

Any info will be useful

Thanks heaps


Posted: 05 July 2010 09:37 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  46
Joined  2007-06-01

Hi Sarah,

We moved to Granada from Barcelona nearly four years ago and we love living here.  We are brits and actually we live in Monachil Barrio , about 10 mins from the city with a good bus service.  Both our 5 and nearly four year old attend the local school and speak perfect Spanish, well to me they do.  My husband is a lawyer and speaks incredibly good Spanish, as for me, still struggling along, but getting there.  Anyway, I think their school is very good with smaller class sizes than the ones in the UK and so far, so good and have only had positive feedback.

If you need anymore help, just yell and if you?re in the area, pop round for a chat if you like!

All the best with the move.


Posted: 05 July 2010 11:50 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2009-12-16

Hi Alicia

Thanks for your reply 😊 Its really nice to have another contact in Granada and some one with kids! My Spanish is also still coming along   😖   Nikita (our daughter ) is now my teacher jeje always correcting me!!!  We are going to be round Granada in Aug ( not sure of dates yet ) and i would love to have a chat,  so i will drop you a line when we are closer! My husbansd is a engineer in telecoms and is investigating what is in Granada for him, i will be teaching English once we settle!

Do you live in a inderpendant house? or flat? I love the idea of being able to have a bit of green to grow some vegies etc, is that realistic thinking about rent of about 600-800 a month?



Posted: 06 July 2010 02:45 AM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  46
Joined  2007-06-01

Hi Sarah,

have just started growing our own….success is limited, but that is due to me, have lettuce, sweetcorn, tons of tomatoes, peas, all new to me and still learning.  We live with the Sierra park as our back garden and have bought our house, but I know that there are properties, here in Monachil, for around what you are looking for, as for other areas around Granada, I really don?t know but think its all pretty reasonable, don?t quote me on that though!!!

We have roamed around abit, but all I know is what I know and I like Monachil!!!  Obviously there are some beautiful places around Granada, but think we have found our nirvana!

Keep in touch!

Posted: 06 July 2010 03:17 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  23
Joined  2010-06-22

these sites are worth a look for property lets in Spanish:

This on in English should have a good number too, but inland Granada is much more Spanish speaking, so you will probably do better with the others:

Good luck,



Architects and Eco Construction, Malaga, Marbella, Granada ..
