Mortgages and Re-Possession
Posted: 09 July 2010 06:29 PM  
Total Posts:  166
Joined  2007-07-25


I have a strange question…..........I think!

We have a mortgage with UCI and during the hard times we could do with a little help from the bank, but despite numerous attempts to arrange a meeting we never get past anyone but the guys on the phone, we would like a meeting face to face to see if we can freeze the mortgage for 6 months or just have a chat about reduced payments etc, etc

We own a second property in Monda that does not have a mortgage nor is this connected with the mortgage on our Torreblanca house, if we stopped paying our mortgage with UCI for 6 months or give the house back can they take our other property or embargo it even though it has nothing to do with them and the guarantee for the mortgage is the house which has the mortgage?

I am not sure of the rules here and as I cannot speak to anyone (which is just ridiculous) I thought I would ask you clever lot 😊

I am also going to write to my lawyer about this situation and see if he can give me advice or find out who will speak to me from UCI




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