Process for an English person with Spanish mother to apply for Spanish citizenship
Posted: 16 July 2010 05:07 PM  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2010-07-16

Hi all,

I was born and raised in England by my Spanish mother and Swiss father.
My mother is a Spanish citizen and although she has been living in England for the past 27 years with my father raising her two daughters she has never applied for British citizenship so she is through and through a Spanish citizen with Spanish passport and DNI. When I was born she registered my birth in the Spanish embassy in the UK and I am also in the ?libro de familia?.
I have been living in Spain for almost two years now and since January 2009 working in Spain. I have my social security number, my NIE number, I have been ?empadronada? here in Madrid since October 2009 when I moved to my current flat. I do not have a residency card.
What I am interested in is finding out the process for applying for Spanish citizenship to get a passport and DNI.
In my case will it still take a year to come through?
What are the costs?
How do I go about it, where do I start?

Thanks everyone!!


Posted: 16 July 2010 09:00 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  453
Joined  2008-12-30

if your birth was registered by your mother in the spanish embassy in the uk,
you have a spanish birth certificate and a spanish citizen.
you can get a copy from the consulate in the uk or the registro civil central in madrid.
you can apply online and get it in two weeks by mail (took that long 3 years ago).
to get a spanish passport and dni you need this spanish birth certificate “literal”.
you go to the police station issuing dni and passports. (along santa engracia, if you can slip in about 1 oclock or so, you will be the only one.)
and you get the passport and dni in 30 minutes (depends on days). now you may have to get a “cita”  online.
show them too the certificado de registro showing your nie number, bring with you your libro de familia. british passport.
when you have the dni, change your registered name and nie number to your spanish name and dni number of your soc security, bank, your employer, hacienda, padron, etc.

Posted: 19 July 2010 03:25 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2010-07-16

I am actually SO very grateful for this information you have provided.
You have saved me a lot of time and a lot of money! Thank you so much.

