in process of obtaining Spanish citizenship, Both grandparents were born in Spain
Posted: 20 July 2010 07:14 PM  
Total Posts:  9
Joined  2010-07-20

First, let me say I’m new to this forum..I actually just found it. There is alot of very useful information here. Thanks to everyone
I have been processing for my Spanish citizenship (like alot of other people) for about 1 1/2 yrs now. finding lost paperwork, or geting originals where we only had copies (mostly). Both of my grandparents were born in Spain, they left & moved to Cuba in the
1920-1930’s. My mom was born. while they were still Spaniards. in 1952 my grandfather obtained his Cuban citizenship. I have alto of family still in Spain (La Coruna). The Spanish Consulate in COral Gables Florida is where I’ve done all of my work. However, we’ve made a trip to Spain to get the original Birth certificate of my grandfather, Had a friend go to Cuba to get my mom’s birth certificate ( of course with the Minrex stamp they want). even though she had her original in the first place. They have everything from me except the last thing they want is the certificate of nacionalidad when my grandfaterh obtained his Cuban citizenship because that shows place of birth. I just have a copy unfortunately. I’m working on trying to get that. The Cuban interset section who Im calling as we speak- & I’ve called hundreds of times is either busy or I get through to the operator and that just rings forever. I’ve read so many different stories about people obtaining their Spanish citizenship or like me still trying to. I was born in US my mom came to Miami in the Pedro Pan program in 1962. I really would like to claim my families origin, funny I have so much Spanish in my blood, & I look so American. Does anyone know of a way to get that document I need from Cuba. the Certificado de nacionalidad..any help on that would be great. my mom & my uncle are doing the same thing as I am but, they don’t need this form….I know it’s a long road & in the end it will be worth it. to have my Spanish citizenship and my red passport but, it is alot of running around. nfortunately both of my grandparents have passed away.
sorry for the long speech…Thank you for any help…The Spanish consulate has been very helpful to me. they actually called me two weeks ago and gave me a phone number to a immagration lawyer in Habana Cuba. I called them but, they said they are unable to process for that document right now,,something with the government..

Gracias, James Michael Novo

Posted: 13 August 2010 03:33 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2010-08-13

James,  I’m also a cuban american trying to get the spanish citizenship.  My appointment is on Sept 9th at the Spanish Consulate in Coral Gables.  I came accross your posting and was amazed at how strict the spanish consulate is concerning the documents needed.  I will attend the appointment, but I’m kind of discouraged cause I too have an original birth certificate with the “Ministerio de Justicia” stamp,  not the MINREX (Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores).  Do you know if this makes a difference?  I have my grandfather’s original certificado de nacimiento, but I only have a copy of my grandfather’s certificado de nacionalidad.  Like you, I think I might have to endure the issues with trying to get this from the cuban gov.  Have you been able to get this document yet?  If not, what number are you calling and or where in Cuba is this office.  I will keep you posted of my progress.  If I can’t get through by phone I will just have to go myself (for the first time).

hope everything works out for you,


Posted: 13 August 2010 06:39 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2010-08-13

Btw, I found a web site which acquires original cuban documents for legal use.  You might want to check this website if you have not been able to suceed at getting your granddad’s certificado de nacionalidad.  They do charge $495.00 per requested document, which is pretty hefty. 


Posted: 13 August 2010 04:46 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  9
Joined  2010-07-20

Hello Enrique,
I love this Spain Expat site… I ran into it looking for infomation also & everyone is very helpful here. I will try to do the same with you. Do I understand correctly, your appointment w/ the Embasssy is the 1st. time you will have been there right !
If so…I remember my first time there…They are pleasant…however, somewhat condescending when speaking to you, I went with my mom…it is her mom & dad ( & my grandparents) we had my moms original birth certificate..however, they want it to be certified ( Minrex stamp on it) They will not except it at all without the Minrex stamp on it. We had to have a cousin in Cuba get it for us.( It took about one month).
You can get your citizenship in one of two ways—-obcion or recooperacion__I am doing it obcion…We had a cousin in Spain get the original certificado de nacimiento so we had that———they want originals!!!! only…now they are on the 6th floor…but, on the 2nd floor they might not tell you this, is another part of the Spanish Embassy where they will make certified copies of an original. for $7.35 american each.  but, you have to have the EXACT money with the .35 cents.. what I’m saying is when you finally get your birth certificate ___you make a copy of it both sides !!!! take it first to room 203 you will pass through a security guard there—no problem—tell them at the counter you want to have a certified copy of this document, give them the $7.35 and they will basically examine both the original & copy and place several stamps on the copy but, it makes the copy like an original. Never,,,,Never leave an original with the people on the Sixth floor,!!!!! you basically make a copy of all documents you bring, the only ones they are really interested in is the birth certificate, that’s why I tell you to go to the 2nd floor. They did not tell my Uncle Juan that & he gave our 1st. original of my grandfathers birth certificate to them. Thats why I had to call my cousin in Spain to get a new one, thank God I had someone over there to do that.The other document they wanted like you I only had a copy is the certificado de Nationalidad. ( let me tell you this is the only document I have left in my file to get & it is a pain in the butt, I’ve tried everything to get this. I had my cousin in Cuba go in January & they told it it would be 9-10 months to get it..( I have no idea why it would take so long, it’s ridiculous- he went back about one month ago-he lives in Habana, & they told him they’re still a few months backlogged. but, I had my other cousin in Spain go the the Cuban Embassy there near SanTiago de Compostella, and they told him from there it would take about 6 months, but, if you have someone in Cuba it would take about 2 months. so I don’t understand how they say it takes two months. One of the ladies from the Embassy gave me a phone number to a Lawyers office in Havana, where we spoke to them just yesterday Aug, 12th 2010 & sent an e-mail of the copy we have to see if they can get it faster for us the lady in the office is nice. We are going to call her back today to make sure she got the e-mail.
Sorry for such a long response but, I want you to be prepared, a little better than We were when we went. The good thing Is during your 1st. appointment whether you have all of the documents or not they will start a file on you and they’ll stamp it with a stamp from the consulate. which means after the 1st. appointment you never have to make another one, you can show up any day and present new documents. Remember they close at 1 pm daily. My uncle already got his Spanish citizenship through them a few weeks ago, with his new passpost, but, he didnt’ need that last document That I need. I’m not sure of your whole situation if your filing through your grandparents or parents, but, it is possible you might not need it. I had to bring a new birth certificate for myself w/a different stamp on it called Apostille of Hague. but, it was easy to get because I was born here. Originals of my moms marriage certificates, that shows her maiden name going to what it is now. It’s not so bad if you have the correct documents. I hope this helps you Enrique.  let me know.

Posted: 13 August 2010 05:00 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  9
Joined  2010-07-20

Yes, the guy at the Cuba city hall website is called Rob, I’ve spoke to him a few times he’s getting me an orignal of my grandparents marriage license from Cuba. ( I don’t need this for the embassy, but, it does show where both of my grandparents came from, Spain) & I just wanted to have it but, this is only $295.00. I e-mailed his the copy of my documents to his e-mail which is .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
They might charge a little more because they have to get it certified (MINREX stamp) that you need for the Spanish Consulate.
This is the next important web site it is the CUban Interest Section in Washington D.C. ,,,really, dont’ waste your time calling them I’ve called 1oo times with no answer. but, if you scroll down you’ll find the info you need example to obtain a copy of the certificado do nationalidad. I sent two letters three weeks ago eash with a copy of what I had a money order each for $20.00 U.S. and a quick letter in spanish of what I needed. I sent them certified & I know they both were accepted. When they get the documents they are supposed to let me know they I send another money order for $295.00 ( for the certificate of nationality) so I can obtain it through them.) that is the only document that seems to take a while to get..hope this helps

Posted: 17 August 2010 02:26 AM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2010-08-13


Thanks for taking the time to share all your experiences in trying to get the spanish citizenship.  I will be applying as a grandchild.  Since my last posting, I have contacted my cousin in Cuba to see if he could get my birth certificate as well as my mom’s legalized (minrex stamp).  I will be sending the original birth certificates to him this coming Thursday with someone that is traveling to Cuba.  I also asked him to see if he could obtain an original legalized certificado de nacionalidad and he said that he would, however, he did not know how long it would take.  As you know cuba is a different ball game, so I’m sending him a good chunk of money to see if he could speed up this process.  My cousing, in Cuba, is also trying to get the spanish citizenship and has gone through some of the paperwork already.  He turned my granddad’s certificado de nacionalidad to the spanish embassy in Cuba.  He gave me his case number and told me that perhaps the consulate in Miami could contact the spanish embassy in Cuba to share what’s already in his file.  I hope this can be done, cause I would like to get this done.  I appreciate you letting me know that I could get certified copies of originals at the consulates second floor, as I would like my mom to go through this and will need some of the documents for her file.  I hope the lawyer in Cuba gets the Certificado de Nacionalidad for you soon.  I will let you know of my progress and will certainly pass my experience on to others as you have done with me.  Take care, Enrique

Posted: 17 August 2010 05:11 AM   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  9
Joined  2010-07-20

Well, that’s good Enrique. Make sure like I said that you get your birth certificates from Cuba w/ the Minrex stamp on them. It’s basically a small stuck on stamp about 2 inches by 3 inches & will have in the top right hand corner a letter (A followed by 6 numbers). Also, It does not say on it the word “Minrex” at all, so don’t worry. I’m looking at my moms’ right now.
The only document that’s a pain in the neck to get now is that Certificate of Naturalidad from (for me my grandfather) so many people in Cuba are waiting also they say any where from 4-10 months depending on who you talk to. Like you say depends on if you know someone & the process there is slow. We spoke to our Lawyer friend there in Habana Saturday and she said they can’t get it either now, but, she has a friend somewhere who might be able to help us—we’ll see.. She says that you have to get them from CUban consulate to consulate. for example__From the Cuban Interest section in Wash. DC & they’ll thn go through directly to Cuba, but that takes a while. I’ve already done that so I’m just waiting now.
I’m going to go to Coral Gables tomorrow, Tuesday the 17th to the 2nd floor to get my brothers copy of my moms birth certificate & my grandfathers birth cert. certified. Then I’ll come bk w/ him on the 15th for his appointment. It is that one document in Cuba thats seems like a pain to obtain.
Good luck to you

Posted: 17 August 2010 05:47 PM   [ # 7 ]  
Just Landed
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Joined  2010-02-26

Here?s what I?m not understanding:

Novo: You said that you?re obtaining Spanish nationality por opci?n, but this is usually reserved for the child of someone who was originally Spanish. Are you applying under the Law of Historical Memory or what?

enricabrera: Are you also applying under the Law of Historical Memory?

Posted: 17 August 2010 08:34 PM   [ # 8 ]  
Total Posts:  9
Joined  2010-07-20

It’s ley 52_-(I am filing under opcion)  Both of my grandparents were born in Spain & I have alot of family there which I communicate with regularly. They are the ones who got my grandparents original birth certs. from the registro Civil.
anyways, My file is almost complete with the Consulado in Coral Gables, Fl Minus this one document which my mom & I are waiting for from Cuba. My mom is filing under Ley 36 (Recouperacion) because when she was born my grandparents were still Spanish citizens. My uncle already finished & has his new Spanish passaporte & he is done with the consulate. He didn’t need the document I need from cuba which is the Certificado de Natualidad.
good luck to You.

Posted: 03 September 2010 11:12 PM   [ # 9 ]  
Total Posts:  9
Joined  2010-07-20

Well, finally I think I have obtained the last document I needed for the Spanish Consulate. This guy Rob from the web site
Cuba city hall—-
says he was able to obtain it for me with some contacts they use in Cuba. I paid $295.00 & I should have it in about 1- to 1 1/2 wks. I saw a scan of the front & back and It looks like many documents from Cuba with the regular 5 and 10 stamps on it so I should be good now. anyone else looking for a birth certificate or such from Cuba we’ll see if his documents are legitimate.
Good luck to all.
J. Novo

Posted: 17 November 2011 07:21 PM   [ # 10 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2011-07-20

I can attest to Cubacityhall’s ability to obtain authentic documents from Cuba.  The birth and marriage certificates they obtained from Cuba were accepted by the Spanish Embassy in Coral Gables.  Unfortunately, I am still missing the “Certificado de Naturalidad” from Cuba, for my (Spanish) grandmother, but nobody has been able to get that for me.  I would definitely use again.

