Thought I’d pop in a say hello
Posted: 21 July 2010 02:06 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-07-21

Hi Folks

I’ve just joined the forum and thought I’d drop in and say hello.

We have a small town house in San Pedro del Pinatar and up until the last year and a half, we spent time in Spain every month. 

Unfortunately we made a bad investment in Turkey (despite paying to have due diligence etc carried out) and it looks like we could lose a significant amount of money even though we won our case (as the builder is in the process of being made bankrupt)......We may have a case against the original lawyers as they made several significant screw ups (confirmed by another law firm).....that’s ongoing so we’ll have to see…..So far we’ve already spent circa ?12k on court costs related to the Turkish builder so it really does depend on what any additional legal costs will be ((;-

Our plan had been to have three houses and rent two out and live in Spain with income coming in from the other two properties.  In addition to that income, we had planned to work as we’re too young to retire.  Instead now it will take up 5 - 8 years to recover financially unless some miracle happens provided we remain in the UK and continue to work in our current jobs….....(;-

Hey ho, I can’t moan too much as we still have our small town house by the sea….it’s just we are only able to visit spain during vacation times at present so this means we’re limited to three or four visits per annum 😉)
