Shipping a few boxes from Madrid to the US
Posted: 23 July 2010 01:54 AM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2010-07-21

We are moving from Madrid to Portland (OR) in the US and need to ship a few boxes (20-30 kg each) to the US . Does any one know of a shipping company that can deliver these boxes at a price which is less than excess luggage by airline (150 euros)?

thanks for your help

Posted: 25 July 2010 05:42 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2010-07-25

A company called TNT I think can help ask for slow snail delivery. you may have to ring them and find out. basically the boxes will sit in the ware house until they get free space on a ship to send it to the other county. I used it in Australia to Ireland about five years back. It took months but Every thing was as i packed it when i received it.
