I own a bar in a Commercial Centre in Gran Canaria and I am having problems with a neighboring open air terrace bar playing loud music. I have spoken to the Manager of the bar on three occasions and asked him to reduce the volume of his music to an acceptable level, on all three occasions he has refused.
My understanding is that any music played on a terrace (which the offending bar is) should be at a background music level and that speakers are not allowed on bar terraces.
I have called the on site security people who refused to take action and called the Local Police who did not attend. The communidad have refused to get involved in the matter.
I know that making a denuncia to the Local Police will be a waste of time and I wondered if anyone else has been in a similar position to mine.
I know it is possible to denounce the local council for failing to take action against noisy bars, has anyone done this?
Any advice or suggestions on how to take this forward would be appreciated.