Can you claim back bank charges if you account has been closed by the bank?
Posted: 20 September 2010 12:22 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-09-20

Yes you can do, there is no problem claiming on a closed bank account.

However, at the moment all bank charge claims are on hold, pending a test case being brought to the high court by the OFT to decide once and for all if bank charges are unlawful.

The case is scheduled to start at the end of jan 2008, and is expected to last a year. If the OFT win it will be much quicker and easier for everyone to claim their bank charges back, whereas if the banks win it will be the end of bank charge claims.

Its a good idea to start your claim now if you want to claim, as this locks the date you can claim back to at September 2001. All you need to do is to write a letter to the bank asking for your charges back, and send it to the banks head office by recorded delivery. The bank have to log your claim and acknowledge within 5 days.

Your claim will then be put on hold until the results of the test case. If the OFT win then your claim will be dealt with quickly as its already in the system. If the banks win then nothing further will happen.

For more details about the current situation and claiming have a look at my site below, which also gives you the template letter you need to send to the bank, as well as the banks head office addresses.

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