CRAZAY?  nervous about moving to spain-seeking reassurance- also bored at work.
Posted: 09 April 2007 05:29 AM  
Total Posts:  10
Joined  2007-04-09

Hola, i just joined this site today, not coincidentally i also just told my supervisor i will not be recontracting for next year because I have decided to move to Spain hopefully to teach english. But as i reviewed this site, i saw a great deal of cautionary information for non EU citizens. I am an American, i was in spain last week on a visit(i was an exchange student in high school way back in the day and kept close ties with my peeps) and realized I really really want to return to live and work there. I am just kinda freakin out, my friends assured me i would be able to find work but after looking at this site i am feelin hella nervous. so i am i am posting this in hopes that someone could ease my troubled mind. here is some info on me, someone tell me i have a chance! or just say hi, on the days i dont teach out here i sit in an office going out of my mind with boredom.
28 yrs old
currently teaching english in rural japan on the JET Program(Japanese Exchange and Teaching) where my official job title is Assistant Language Teacher but i plan all my own lessons and teach classes at 9 different junior high schools
my previous job was Program Director for theYMCA( I ran an after school program at the elementary and highschool levels) for four years i was also an Americorps volunteer for two years in a junior high(literacy tutor)and elementary school(school reform facilitator)
i speak a very high level of spanish(not fluent fluent but pretty darn good)
friends and family(exchange fam) that will let me live with them while i find work but i dont want to overstay my welcome

okay i hope this isnt too long and annoying… i am just buggin out. since i officially just quit my rather cushy job here in japan. am i crazay?

Posted: 09 April 2007 10:04 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  1682
Joined  2005-12-05

Hey there,

Indeed it’s not easy for Americans trying to teach in Spain. Your best bet is to aim for a rural location. You should have very few problems finding work as long as you’re outside of the a big city. Also see our article on teaching under the table.

Hope that helps.


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Recommended reading: working visa (non EU), other visas, jobs in Spain, teaching English (non EU), finding apartments, holidays, mobile/cell phones, NIE cards, gestors.
