Moving to Spain without a job
Posted: 01 November 2010 11:04 AM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-11-01

Hi all,

So a little about myself. I’m a recent college grad who did the societal norm of finding a job. After 6 months I realized I’m still young and I want to do what I want while I’m still young. So I recently just came back from a European excursion for 2 months after quitting my job in the States. One of my stops was Madrid, a city I’ve come to really love and a city where I’ve been another previous time. After coming back to the States, I impulsively bought a one way ticket Madrid for January. Since then I’ve been researching on all the possible jobs I could take on illegally when I do come so that I’ll be able to support myself. I do have a TEFL certificate but am worried that I might not be able to get a teaching job. Has anyone been in the same situation as I have? I’ve also been looking into being an au pair just so I won’t have issues for paying for housing, but I also want the freedom to do what I want when I want so I’m not sure if being an au pair is the best solution for me. My main stressor is that when I arrive, I won’t be able to find a job and I’ll be forced to return back home. Any job I can get (under the table) is fine with me as long as I can be able to support myself while living in Madrid. I’ve been told that just in case I can’t find a job, I should be prepared and bring a couple thousand with me, but what if I don’t have that? Any advice? opinions?

Posted: 02 November 2010 11:29 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  30
Joined  2010-04-25

There are other posts similar to yours, so search them and you will find much information.  But be prepared, the unemployment in Spain is the highest in Europe and that is jobs with and without papers.

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