Heading West
Posted: 07 August 2006 11:28 AM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2006-08-07


I’ve been teaching English in Prague, CZ for about a year and a half now and I’m looking to wrap up my stint in Central Europe. When initially planning my European move, Spain was my original destination. But my TEFL school was in Prague and I elected to stay here after completing the course.

As far as teaching English is concerned, can anyone answer some of my basic questions:

Can one make a decent living (rent a comfortably-sized place in a nice area, eat, do a little shopping, traveling, have a social life, etc.) TEFLing in Spain?

Where’s a good place to TEFL? I’ve heard Barcelona (where I’d like to go) is highly competitive.

What’s the culture like? And relatedly, how much Spanish would I realistically need to get started?

I appreciate any help anyone can offer.
