Sworn Translations of Police Record and Medical Certificate for Visa Application
Posted: 11 January 2011 10:34 PM  
Total Posts:  9
Joined  2011-01-11

I am compiling my residence visa application and hope to get some insight regarding sworn translations of documents:

1.) I am aware that it is possible to have a spanish-speaking friend do your translating rather than going to an expensive professional.  Can anyone tell me exactly what format/wording is necessary to qualify as a “sworn translation?”

2.) My police record contains several paragraphs of legal jargon, but the main item is simply “Charges: No Arrest Record Found.”  Does anyone know from experience whether is is acceptable to exclude superfluous info from your translation and just give them the main thing they’re asking for?

Your help is greatly appreciated!

Posted: 12 January 2011 04:02 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  453
Joined  2008-12-30

where are you right now?
where are you going to submit the documents?

Posted: 13 January 2011 06:24 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  21
Joined  2011-01-13

First: dont forget the Apostilles for each document because they will also have to be translated.

Second: You can engage a friend to help you, it will probably save you money, but you will still need to contact a “sworn translator” in Spain in order for your documents to be legal.  I had all my documents translated by a friend who studied translation (as only a translator knows how you need to present translations of images, stamps, etc) and then I sent the translated documents and originals into an official Spanish translator. He made some corrections and gave us the official stamp we need. The charge was much less, as his work was much easier than it would be had he had to do the translation part himself.

So the answer is: YES you can get help on the translating, it will save you money, but you will still need to get them “legalized” via an official Spanish translator.
