moving pets from US to Spain
Posted: 15 January 2011 07:30 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2011-01-15

I need to move my dogs from US to spain, I have an EU passport but have been in the US for 27 years, despite what you may see/read there is no recovery here, basically the middle class are losing everything.
I may not have much time to do this so any information will help. If there are temperature restrictions this may be a problem as NYC is so cold right now

Posted: 16 January 2011 12:15 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  818
Joined  2006-06-15

andcony hi;

Information relating the import of pets into Spain can be found here;

...despite what you may see/read there is no recovery here, basically the middle class are losing everything…

Sorry but I think most thinking people over here are sufficiently switched on to realise that!

The big problem is of course that no matter who you have as a figurehead be it Bush (Jnr or Snr) or Obama or Clinton (Mr or Mrs), at the end of the day they are all just puppets dancing to the tunes generated by the corporations and the banks particularly the Fed.

My sister has a small business operating out of Irvine Ca, and she has had to relocate and downsize her operations because of the recession and high rates of taxation.

Just don’t go getting the idea that things over here are any different. Currently we have about 40% unemployment, a collapsed property market, the smaller banks have had to join together just to survive, the cost of living over here is increasing everyday.

If you need to work you will find it nigh on impossible unless you speak Spanish. life is tough over here too…also if you have USD income over here it is subject to a vastly changing exchange rate…



Help desperately needed
