Heap pump suppliers in Catalonia
Posted: 28 January 2011 04:29 PM  
Total Posts:  5
Joined  2009-08-25

I’m suffering with biblically large heating bills in a large masia near Girona. Am considering a heat pump sollution. Can anyone recommend a good supplier of this technology in the Girona/Catalona area, and do you have examples of how large the savings can be.

As background, I have a 1200 sq meter house but I only heat 50% of this in winter. I’m 50% underfloor and 50% radiators. Current heating bill Euro 13,000 per year !  HELP !!!

Posted: 28 January 2011 09:31 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  1682
Joined  2005-12-05

Sounds like your house is of biblical proportions as well. Kinda makes sense that your heating bill would be up there too.

I’ve no idea about the heat pump but there must be some sort of combo of window insulation (double pane those suckers and seal the cracks) and switching to space or baseboard heaters (close the doors to trap heat in one room at a time).

Check out this article on 50 ways to save on your heating bill: http://www.chiff.com/a/cut-heat-bills.htm


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