New Horizons Sought!
Posted: 23 February 2011 01:35 AM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2011-02-23

Hi all,
I?ve been wanting for some time to try living abroad, but until now the opportunity has never presented itself. I have lived for all of my life in the North West of England ? so I think I deserve a break! Unfortunately, I don?t think I have an adequate number of points to test living in the US, Canada or Australia, so it looks like Europe is my best bet?

Like any pasty-white Britain I would like to move to sunnier climes, but as I don?t have a fluent second language I would have to move into an expat community. Please advice.

I?m currently in the process of setting-up a small online business; the nature of which doesn?t require me to be located in one particular area. However, because it is a start-up part-time work would be helpful. Direction to where I might be able to find such work would be appreciated.

Finally, I would like to rent a room, but I guess my plea for help regarding this will have to wait till I have confirmed where I will be relocating to!

I am 33, single, have no children and ready for a change ? hopefully someone out there will be charitable and help me out with starting a new life!

Warm regards,
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Posted: 26 May 2011 11:16 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2011-05-26

I?ve seen that your post has some time already, if you?ve already found a sunny place to live, congratulations but if you haven?t yet, this is my suggestion: the south east of Spain is one of the best places to live in terms of good climate!

I?m lived in Murcia almost all my life and although I?ve travelled and visited my other countries, this is still the best.
Murcia, Granada or Cordoba are really nice cities to live for a while. The best about Murcia is the weather, the people and the beaches. Granada and Cordoba are ideal and full of magical atmosphere.

Good Luck!!!!

Posted: 28 May 2011 01:20 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

Hi John,
You could do worse than to work as a holiday rep for a summer season here in Spain.
They usually provide accommodation and it would give you a chance to see if you really like it here.
Pay is low, but you would receive some renumeration and you could build up your contacts to find some
winter work.
Telemarketing is the biggest thing here (commission only) and that can be tough.

Depends how determined you are.

Best of luck if you decide to take the plunge.

(Now 46yr old who did it above way, here going on 11yrs. No regrets!)
