I have a question about the necesarry documents for the aplication of spanish nationality.
My american wife and me (Spanish) want to apply for spanish nationality for the requiered documents according to http://www.mjusticia.es/cs/Satellite/es/1215198282620/Estructura_P/1215198291413/Detalle.html I have 3 questions.
1.) Medios de vida para residir en Espa?a (contrato de trabajo, n?minas, informe laboral de la Tesorer?a de la Seguridad Social, o cualquier otro medio de prueba).
If on the date of application I am out of unemployment and the both of us continue without jobs how high does Spain request that financial assets of the couple are to proove los medios de vida?
2.) Certificaci?n literal de nacimiento del c?nyuge espa?ol, expedido por Registro civil espa?ol
For our marriage already I had problems because I am spainard who was born in Austria and therefor just have a certificado literal de nacimiento in the spanish consulate in Austria. The second funcionario we had the marrigae interview with did not have a problem with it, but the first one did. Does the certificado de nacimiento literal from the spanish consulate in Austria work as Certificaci?n literal de nacimiento del c?nyuge espa?ol, expedido por Registro civil espa?ol. I can assure you that I was just born once.
3.) Si es mayor de edad, certificado de antecedentes penales de su pa?s de origen, traducido y legalizado, de acuerdo con los Convenios internacionales existentes o consular de conducta.
Does it have to be the nationwide FBI record or is it ok bringing in a local police record?