Work permit in Spain
Posted: 02 May 2011 06:18 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2011-05-02

Hi everyone, I hope you’ll be able to help me with advices how to obtain work permit in Spain. I read around the forum and got some answers but since
the process is almost always case specific I’ve decided to “state my case” too.
Here it goes 😊 ...

Nationality - Croatia (out of EU)
I came to Spain a year ago to finish my Master (IT, programming…). I was granted student visa which expired a month ago but I applied for renewal on time.
At the moment I am waiting for the appointment at the police station for the renewal because my master ends in September so they’ll hopefully renew my
student visa for another year.

This January I started working in one IT company as a becario and from the beginning the idea was to ask for the work permit during the “becario” period. Now, I need advices on what are the steps my company and I should undertake to start the process?
1. Company has to publish the job position opening? Where (online, papers?)
2. Which papers should I submit as the applicant? My CV is enough?
3. Where should company submit the papers with my application for the approval? Which papers should we gather?
4. I read that “immigration office” will ask for explanation why did they choose me and not some Spanish worker instead?

I contacted Spanish embassy and they explained me all the steps I should follow after (and if) Spanish immigration office says that I am eligible for the opened position…

I really hope I explained clearly my case and that you’ll be able to help me 😊

Best regards,
