Moving elderly parents back to UK
Posted: 05 June 2011 04:37 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2011-06-05

Not sure if anyone can help me. We moved out to Spain four years ago and brought my partners elderly parents with us. Since then my mother in law has been in and out of hospital and although she is living in a complex with a doctor on site it doesn’t seem to be good enough for her!
Both myself and my partner have to go back to the UK for work and are travelling backwards and forwards and this seems to be a problem for her. She is staying she is ill even though her Spanish consultant can’t find anything wrong.
We have decided that we need to move them back to the UK in to a care home but we’re not sure how to do it. They don’t have any funds themselves apart from their UK pensions.
Anyone have any ideas? I know it might sound as if we’re being hard but neither of us can be in Spain all the time to look after them now, we need to work to keep roof over all our heads!
Thank you
