Bridging between E106 and E121
Posted: 09 June 2011 01:47 PM  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2011-06-09

Hi, at the end of this year our medical cover as early retirees with E106 (S1) in the Canary Islands runs out, and it is 2 years before we become covered as “real” pensioners under E121.  Private insurance would be expensive, and we want to stay in the state system. I believe in some areas of Spain, you can pay a much reduced Seguridad Social contribution, giving medical cover only, no unemployment or pension benefit, but not in the Canaries.  The solution seems to be to declare one of us as a self-employed author, and pay the full ?200+ contribution.  However, I’ve heard that if one does domestic work for someone - “Empleados de hogar ? trabajadores discontinuos.” you can get a reduced contribution of ?164.  Can anyone advise on the pros and cons?
