My question has to do with the my current NIE and marriage.
I’m an American citizen, currently residing in Spain since September 2009…since then I have been residing here on a student visa (master’s program) and I have been empadronado in my city since then. I also have a NIE for my student visa since 2009.
My boyfriend (Spanish citizen) of 3 years and I have decided to marry, and we are currently in the process of gathering our paperwork and we hope soon to present everything. My question is, in order to work once we are married, do I need to re-apply for a new and different NIE, one that is different from my student NIE? My NIE expires in Sept 2011, for example, will I need to apply for a new NIE from scratch based on my marriage? Or can i just renew the original I received for being a student, and just renew on the basis of having married.
Thanks in advance for any info.