What to do with residency Please help
Posted: 04 July 2011 09:19 AM  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  11
Joined  2011-03-16

Hi all,

I’m allison. i have previously posted here and was very happy with the response to my questions about working and marrying in Spain. I have one more question. I wonder if anyone on this board has been in a similar situation. Let me explain: My fianc? is a citizen of Spain, we plan to marry in Madrid. I know that the paperwork required for us to be married will take longer than 90 days. Since I’m from the U.S. I know the ninety days is all I have to stay in SPain. What should I do? Should I try to apply for a visado de residencia from the Spanish Consolate before I leave for Spain? I’m visiting in August for almost the entire month. So I will only have about 60 days or so left on my stay. What would you recommend? I really don’t want to be in Spain illegally, I’ve heard mixed things about that. If I can do it legally I’d much rather, but I don’t think I qualify for the visa where you work as I don’t have a job in SPain. Since I’m NonEU most companies will not sponsor me until I have all my required papers. I want to teach English but do not as of yet have my certification. I found while looking through the Spanish Consolate’s website a visa which is exempt from working if you plan to teach or undertake cultural activities. Is this the correct visa? ANy assistance would be greatly appreciated. THank you for reading this long post 😊 I’m sorry about the longwinded explanation. But I’m trying to make my situation as clear as possible. Thank you again.

