Moving to Spain

If you're reading this, then you're probably serious about moving to Spain. If you're serious about moving to Spain, then know that it's a big process aside from the legal, lifestyle and living issues that have to be considered. The logisitics can be difficult, but with the advice and information gathered in this section we hope to make your move a little easier than it was for us.


" intercontinental flight taking you from your origin to your destination can be a wonderfully relaxing opportunity to catch up on some reading. I'm a little disappointed, however, that they don't all offer entirely complimentary refreshments.""
- Cheap Flights to Spain

"The cage or carrier in which the animal is travelling must be labelled with the name, address in Spain, and phone number of the owner or the owner’s representative.""
- Importing Pets to Spain

"As soon as you arrive in your new address to the Oficina de Empadronamiento in order to get your Alta de Residencia and your Certificado de Empadronamiento, good for free public health care...""
- Moving to Spain

"The entire western world lives in an Ikea household it would seem. If that doesn’t bother you, then it can be your one-stop-furniture-shop on the cheap too."
- Furniture and Furnishing Your Home in Spain

"...find out or ask your agent about where to move to where there's a large expat community - this is generally where you'll want to be, at least initially.""
- Moving to Spain: To Do List

"If you spend more than 6 months in Spain then we recommend you register and insure your car here, ie. importing.""
- Importing Cars

"The non-lucrative residence Visa is the visa most people from outside the European Union will apply for if they want to stay longer than 90 days in Spain. "
- How a Canadian couple moved to Spain and found a home
