Spanish Traffic Accident Reports

This article is about the correct way to fill the Traffic accident Report form in the event of a road accident. You might find it useful to print and keep with you in the car.

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Villas in Spain

Information and tips about holidaying in, renting, and buying a villa in Spain.

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Universities In Spain

Information about colleges in Spain and how the system works, what degrees to get, how long they take and a list of universities across the country for all courses and subject areas

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Certifying Your Language Skills

It’s all about proving what you know: here you’ll find information about the language certifications available for Spanish, Basque, Catalan, Galician, and Valencian.

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Instructions for the TIE (Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjeros) Application

A step by step guide through the forms (with translations), documents, payments, appointments/citas previas, lotes, and process of getting your TIE.

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Embassies and Consulates for English Speaking Countries

Spain Expat's helpful list of embassies and consulates for your home country and Spain. Includes American, Canadian, British, Irish, Australian, and Dutch embassies in Spain.

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